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Selectmen's Minutes 2008/05/19
7:00 PM Town Hall
May 19, 2008
*****DRAFT*****                                                   *****DRAFT*****

Present:  Richard Leone – Chairman, Stephen White – Vice Chairman, William Roach, Frederick Gallup, Emma Smith, Donna Nasahwaty – Town Manager, Joseph Collins – Sunapee Police Department, Tony Bergeron – Road Agent

Also Present:  See sign-in sheet.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Leone.

Items for Signature or Review:  See copy of agenda attached to official minutes.


Street Light Committee - Donna reported that she has received two volunteer forms for the committee and is looking for more.  The volunteer form is available at Town Hall.

Hazardous Mitigation Plan – Donna advised that Howard Sargent has called the first meeting.  It will take place on Wednesday, May 26, 2008 at 7:30 AM.  UVLSRPC has asked that the Selectmen sign a memo of understanding for this project.  UVLSRPC has a grant to do this.  A motion was made by Stephen White to accept and sign the memo.  The motion was seconded by Bill Roach and approved unanimously.

Fiber Network – Donna received a request from a reporter to give information about the nine communities taking part in the network plan and the $20,000,000.00 price.  She stated that one of the things important to remember is that it is an open access network.  People can pick and use various carriers.  Sunapee will have 100% coverage, but not all would be fiber. (See attachment to official minutes)
1. PUBLIC COMMENTS – The first 10 minutes of the Board of Selectmen meeting is reserved for comments from the public.  

7:10 PM - Public Hearing to discuss the parking ordinance and traffic for one way loop in the Harbor –

Tony Bergeron reviewed the two proposals (clockwise and counter clockwise on Main, River, and High Streets).  He stated that Garnet St. will be affected by both proposals as traffic would have to use the one way route to get to High St. or River Rd.  Access for large commercial vehicles and vehicles with boat trailers would be better in the clockwise situation.  37 car parking spaces would be gained in the clockwise scenario and 39 in the counter clockwise scenario.  Boat trailer parking would be in the gravel area off High St.   where there would be 10 spaces and possibly 2 to 3 more.  Tony proposed that the one way loop be used in July and August of this year as a trial.  Joe Collins stated that the police favor the clockwise proposal as it is more of a direct route for emergency vehicles, pedestrians would get out of their vehicles on the sidewalk side of the street, and boats leaving the Harbor would use River Rd. for their tie down stop.  

Suggestions from the public included a yield sign from High St. to Main St., proper signage for exiting the Harbor so as to deter traffic from using Maple St.,   It was noted that it is difficult to exit High St. onto Main St. where there is heavy traffic.  Concerns were expressed over parking time limits and how people will know where to park their vehicles with trailers.  Donna advised that they have talked about no overnight parking and that they did have a pamphlet showing the overflow parking for trailers last year.  Joe Collins reported that they will have more than one attendant at the boat launch and they could hand out the pamphlets.  Last year they had up to 28 vehicles with trailers parked at the Sherburne Gym.  Fred Gallup pointed out that Sunapee is one of the few places that have trailer parking within walking distance of the boat launch.

Charlotte Brown asked if there is any way to address the trailers without vehicles parked at the Gym.  Bill Roach advised that these people are taking up a parking space, all day and sometimes evening, that could be used by someone else.  He stated that there will have to be strict enforcement of the parking regulations.

Artie Osborne stated he doesn’t think a one way route is needed.  There are very few days when you cannot find a parking space.  Also, he feels they are going to have a problem with intersection traffic.  He stated that there should have been more advertising about this public hearing as a lot of people did not know about it.  Donna explained that it was in the newspaper, posted at Town Hall and the Post Office, and on the web site in the Board of Selectmen minutes and agenda.  She explained that people can subscribe to the minutes and agendas for any department they want on the web site and get them automatically via email.

Jim Williams asked if a traffic count would be done in July as he feels people may not come to the Harbor because of having to deal with the one way situation.  Steve White noted that this will be a 2 month trial in the summer.  

Dick Leone questioned the cost to implement and deimplement and Tony replied that it will probably be about another $2,500.00.  Dick asked why it is being done and Tony advised that it will create more parking for the Harbor without building a parking lot.  Charlotte Brown noted that they have at least 25 spaces that will not be new with either of these proposals.  She suggested that they make all of River Rd. just car parking.  That would change the use without one way traffic.  

Gene Hall stated that it might improve the looks of the Harbor and provide for a more useful Harbor, but he doesn’t think they have looked at enough factors such as walkways and sidewalks.  More development is needed.  If it is done on a permanent basis, he would like to have the entire area look nice (walkways, signage, etc.}  Joe Collins advised that the Police Department can provide a traffic count.

A poll of the audience was taken.  The majority favored the clockwise route and a majority favored the one way trial.  

Artie stated he thinks they should have another hearing.  Bill Roach noted they will have to decide if by improving the traffic flow, gaining spaces, and eliminating trailer parking are they creating more problems?  Emma noted that perhaps they could post hearing notices at the Sherburne Gym.  She also stated that they changed the traffic and parking ordinance in November of 2006 and identified 110 parking spaces in the Harbor.  She thinks the one way would provide more ease in flow and if they try it in July and August, they can meet at the end of September to evaluate.  Kevin Rickard stated that the voters voted for a trial and he thinks they should go forward.

Bill Roach stated that if anything is done tonight he thinks they should change the ordinance to no trailer parking on River Rd.  Tony advised that they could table this for one year and just do the elimination of trailer parking.  They would lose 6 trailer spaces and gain 10 car spaces.  There would still be 10 trailer spaces in the bluestone lot and possibly 12.  He would have to measure to see if he could provide a walkway.  He does not have that information tonight.  Steve stated he thinks the one way is needed to get the walking area.  Donna advised that they could change Section C of the ordinance to read “or on either side of River Rd., except on Chart 4, A & B.

Dick asked the Board if they want to take a vote or continue.  A motion was made by Steve White to approve one way traffic in the Harbor, clockwise, for 2 months this summer.  The motion was seconded by Emma Smith.  The motion failed with 2 in favor, 1 against, and 1 abstention (WR).  The proposal will be continued.  There will be no one way loop.

Fred Gallup stated that it may be appropriate to bring this proposal to the voters at town meeting next year and word the article with the time it would be in effect.  A motion was made by Fred Gallup to defer the one way clockwise loop to the next town meeting.  The motion was seconded by Steve White.  Discussion:  Bill Roach advised that this would affect more non residents than residents and he thinks they need to find out their feelings and that they should have some input.  The motion was voted on and approved 3 to 1, with one abstention (WR).

A motion was made by Fred Gallup to change the parking ordinance to “no trailers should be parked at any time on River Rd., Chart 1, except for Chart 4, A & B.  Steve stated this would leave the River Rd. car parking as is and remove trailer parking.  The motion was seconded by Steve White.  Fred withdrew his motion and Steve withdrew his second.  Bill Roach stated that if they are going to do this they have to do it now before summer starts.  A motion was made by Bill Roach to amend Section 1:2, Section C of the parking ordinance to “no trailers shall be parked anywhere at anytime on Chart 1, except Chart 4, A & B.  The motion was seconded by Steve White and approved 4 to 1.  

Tony Bergeron recommended that a walkway be constructed where the trailer parking was.  A motion was made by Steve White to make a walkway where the trailer parking was and make it no car parking.  The motion was seconded by Bill Roach.  The vote was 2 in favor, 2 against, and 1 abstention (WR).  The motion failed.

A motion was made by Steve White to make a walkway where the trailer parking was and make it no car parking.  The motion was seconded by Bill Roach.  The vote was 2 in favor and 3 against.  The motion failed.

The public hearing closed at 9:06 PM.

Norman Bernaiche, Assessor, Explanation of COD, ratio down, value of property still rising. –

Norm advised that the reporting is on the 2007 equalization.  It figures out how much is to be paid to the County and the State.  One year’s worth of sampling is taken from October 1st. to September 30th. and the results are given on April 1st.  He gave an overview (see attachment to the official minutes).  Steve White stated that they need to get the State to focus on the assessed value rather than the sales amounts.


The minutes of May 5, 2008 and May 12, 2008 were approved and signed.

PSNH –License 3 poles, 316/68, 55G/17, 316/69 located on Otter Hill Rd.  The license was signed by the Board.

Welfare Guideline Update: 2008 Fair Market Rents (see attachment to official minutes).  Donna explained that the Board had agreed previously to pay according to fair market rates and the Board need to adopt the new rates.  A motion was made by Fred Gallup to approve the new rates.  The motion was seconded by Emma Smith and approved with 4 in favor and 1 abstention (SW).

Committee Appointments:
1)      Aaron Simpson – UVLSRPC, 2 years
2)      Stephen White – UVLSRPC, 3 years

A motion was made by Bill Roach to approve the appointments.  The motion was seconded by Fred Gallup.  Discussion:  Bill Roach expressed thanks to Steve White for serving.  The motion was approved with one abstention (SW).  

Use of Town Facilities:
        Friends of Norris Cotton Cancer Center
A motion was made by Emma Smith to authorize the Chairman to sign the Use of Town Facilities form.  The motion was seconded by Steve White and approved unanimously.

Pay Table:
Donna explained that the Recreation employees have to on the pay table per the Department of Labor.  A motion was made by Steve White to accept the pay table changes to add the Recreation employees.  The motion was seconded by Bill Roach and approved unanimously.


Donna presented the monthly budget as of April 30, 2008.

Dick advised the Board of a meeting of Service Link on June 2, 2008.

Donna advised of a complaint she received and sent off to our attorney to review.  It is a request to clean up a fire line in Georges Mill from Mr. Spero.  She reported that the Board voted in 1993 to keep the right of way.

Donna reported that Indian Cave Landing has complained of storm drain runoff.  They want a written response from the Town that sand will be removed.  Bill thinks in order to remove it they will have to go through the State.  Donne advised that Tony will do the work if Indian Cave gets a permit from the State.

Donna stated she has received a complaint from the Plumbing Department of the State of New Hampshire stating that they have received a complaint regarding a home on Jeffrey Dr.  Someone used a plumber that wasn’t licensed.  Donna reported that the property owner was the one who hired the builder.  The State thinks it would have been caught if the town had an inspection process.

Donna reported that she has received four letters from residents on Lake Ave. supporting speed bumps.  She has gotten input from some other towns that have installed them and it sounds like the temporary ones don’t work.  A sign will be put up.

Donna told the Board that she has received a new Knowing the Territory and it is also available on the New Hampshire Municipal web site.  

Steve White stated that he thinks the Board was affected by the minority tonight.  They have removed trailer parking on River Rd. and now will have card parking on River Rd.  He is disappointed that the Board did not take a stand.  Dick stated he thinks it may not be necessary yet.  Donna explained that people can always park on the side of a road if they get off the traveled way, unless there is a no parking sign.  Steve stated that if parking is the only thing we want, it can be put up at Burkehaven.  Fred advised that would mean a lot of excavation and tree removal.  Donna advised they would have to have another public hearing to make a different motion.  However, they can vote to do a walkway because that does not affect the ordinance.

10:45 PM – A motion was made by Fred Gallup to go into non public session under RSA 91-A:3,II(a)(personnel).  The motion was seconded by Steve White and approved unanimously.

11:03 PM – The Board returned from non public session.  A motion was made by Steve White to seal the minutes of the non public session under RSA 91-A:3,III.  The motion was seconded by Bill Roach and approved unanimously,

Dick presented a checklist for the Board of Selectmen that he had asked for so they can evaluate and monitor all aspects of what they are responsible for (see attachment to the official minutes).  A motion was made by Steve White to make the Selectboard Check List part of the record.  The motion was seconded by Emma Smith and approved unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 11:04 PM.

Submitted by,
Joan Bleau
Recording Secretary                             Approved:                               

Richard Leone, Chairman                 Stephen White, Vice Chairman

Frederick Gallup                                William Roach

Emma Smith